Shaping Futures by piecing
together the big picture.

Does financial planning seem

complex and intimidating?

It doesn’t have to be. We work with you
to simplify the process of planning your finances and investments,
making your money work for you while you sleep.

Samasthiti is a way of life
It’s one of the foundational asanas of Yoga
Symbolizing the idea of standing tall and independent
Like a mountain
It’s also our guiding philosophy
We’re neutral and independent
a zero-commission financial planner with no
association to any financial product companies

We are advisors,
not distributors

So there is absolutely no commission or conflict of interest embedded in our advice.

All our financial advice is provided by a SEBI registered investment adviser. Because we believe in delivering what’s right for you.

We’re accredited

We’re committed
Financial planning is not a one-time activity. It is a continuous process. At Samasthiti, we believe in establishing a long-term relationship with you. We provide comprehensive financial planning services including execution support.

We offer a fresh approach to financial planning – a single platform for onboarding, advising, execution and monitoring.

Let’s build the life you want

What do we do?

Looking within
We work with you to
evaluate your financial
health by taking a look at
your current investments
and long-term goals.
Setting goals
As we get to know you better,
we help you set your financial
goals and draw up a detailed
action plan so that you are on
track to achieving your goals.

Executing plans
A financial plan is
impactful but only if you
execute it. We work closely
with you to bring your
financial plan to fruition.

Staying prepared
Life is full of uncertainties. We
help you stay prepared by
insuring you against different
risks, and making insurance a
critical component of your
financial plan.

Monitoring performance
We ensure that your
financial plan evolves over
time based on your
changing needs, market
conditions and other

How do we do it?

With our Core-Satellite Approach, we ensure that your investment portfolio is
low-cost, robust and most importantly easy-to-understand
Imagine your portfolio in two parts:

The Core

Consisting of long-term index
funds, allowing you
to own high-quality and
diversified range of securities in
the most cost-effective manner

The Satellite

Consisting of active funds
targeting higher market
returns over
the long term

Together, the Core-Satellite Portfolio gives you

Diversified range of securities in the most cost-effective manner possible


Lower costs by significantly reducing fund management and transaction costs


Tax-efficiency by making the most of concessional long-term capital gain taxation

Our Insights
Modern monetary theory- a resurrection of a failed idea
Misconceptions about an RBI special dividend
A nuanced understanding of the NBFC sector
Social sectors poised to get private debt-capital boost

Raising the caps for lower rated bonds

On-shoring offshore funds to India
Structuring a Fund Platform for Financial Inclusion in India
Important Notice

Important Notice


It has been brought to our attention that unknown individual(s) have used our identify and/or that of Ravi Saraogi to provide stock tips and lure investors to trade/speculate in stocks. It is hereby clarified that we do not provide any stock tips and do not reach out to investors through WhatsApp groups/chats for dissemination of such tips. 

Please be careful about such impersonations which might use our social media DPs/identity to fraudulently reach out to you. Our communication channels have been provided below for your information and for you to verify the authenticity of any such purported communication.

* Website:

* Email: / support[at]samasthiti[dot]in

*Mobile: As intimated through email

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Please verify the authenticity of any communication purportedly received from us with the above-mentioned channels. We will not be responsible for any unauthorized and unofficial communications through our identify theft and impersonation.



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