Important Notice

Important Notice


It has been brought to our attention that unknown individual(s) have used our identify and/or that of Ravi Saraogi to provide stock tips and lure investors to trade/speculate in stocks. It is hereby clarified that we do not provide any stock tips and do not reach out to investors through WhatsApp groups/chats for dissemination of such tips. 

Please be careful about such impersonations which might use our social media DPs/identity to fraudulently reach out to you. Our communication channels have been provided below for your information and for you to verify the authenticity of any such purported communication.

* Website:

* Email: / support[at]samasthiti[dot]in

*Mobile: As intimated through email

* LinkedIn:

* LinkedIn:

* Twitter:



* WhatsApp :

Please verify the authenticity of any communication purportedly received from us with the above-mentioned channels. We will not be responsible for any unauthorized and unofficial communications through our identify theft and impersonation.



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